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Selection of keywords for Google AdWords

| 14.5.19
Selection of keywords for Google AdWords I think you shouldn’t talk about the importance of keywords in Google AdWords advertising. Even the name of the system is pronounced as 2 words - Ad (ad) and Words (words). It is with the help of words (professionals call them search queries) that people try to solve some of their problems on Google. And thanks to these words, advertisers can understand the way people think and offer them a solution to these problems.

So how do you determine the right advertising keywords?

To answer this question, let's divide the selection process into several stages. Each stage will need to be performed in strict sequence. Otherwise, you can not get the results that we would like. AdWords keyword selection includes the following steps:

Understanding the target audience

Market analysis

Selection of words using services and tools

Adding words based on actual data

The first 3 steps are typical for the launch stage of an advertising campaign - i.e. when you create advertising from scratch. The last step is the data you already receive from running AdWords ads. In the fourth step, you will find the most valuable words for your business.

1. How to understand your audience?

Become a part of it, or find people who are representatives of your audience. Write yourself all thematic sites, articles, blogs, magazines, newspapers and books. After that, be patient and just read. Read every day and a lot. You must understand the language of your target audience, its thoughts, feelings, feelings and fears.

In the process of reading write out the keywords that your potential customers use to solve their problems. At the end, you should have a list of keywords that your target audience uses in conversations.

2. What will the analysis of the market give you?

Understanding its scope, level of competition and difficulty of entry. At first glance it may seem that this data is not important when selecting words in Google AdWords. However, it is not.

The volume of the market will depend on the level of your income on it. If the market is large, then, accordingly, you can bite off even a small piece of the pie, while earning good money. With the help of the Traffic Estimator or the Semrush service, look at how much advertisers pay for certain words in your topic and how much traffic is expected. If the rates and the volume of visitors are large, this means the market is large and there is money on it.

After that, correlate this forecast with your business and keywords. Are you ready to pay $ 5 for 1 click on the high-frequency word? Will your advertising be profitable? If not, it is better not to take highly competitive words at the start of an advertisement. Those who pay for these expensive words are usually long on the market and have a regular customer base (which allows them to compete even in a minus). Find the words advertisers pay less for (or don't pay at all). From the assembled previous list of words you should find enough of these.

The result of the second stage should be to shorten the first list to the most appropriate keywords for your business and the market.

3. What tools and services to use?

There are a large number of services for selecting AdWords keywords. There is a difference between their selection for the CIS and Europe (USA), so I divided them into 2 categories by region.

CIS services

1. Google Keyword Tool

Probably the most popular Google AdWords service to date. It is a huge plus in that the statistics are given specifically for the Google search engine - where you will show your ads. I will not describe the system, this is the material of the whole article. So read the help, and use it to your advantage.

2. Yandex Keyword Tool

Despite the fact that many in Google advertising ignore this service - I would not do it. In Russia, for example, Yandex have a larger market share than Google, and therefore this system has more statistics on user requests. Here you can find those low-frequency queries that are not yet in Google statistics (but which people can search for). Therefore, the use of both services in the complex - the best solution.

3. Semrush word matching service

This service selects keywords based on the Google Word Tool. However, he does it in a much more convenient way, thanks to which you can find a lot of low-frequency words. Also, this tool will be useful to you with its other functions - analysis of words and ads of competitors, traffic cost estimation and various forecasts. The only disadvantage so far is its price - $ 70 / month for the minimum package. Not all advertisers can afford the service.

4. Google search statistics

A very useful tool in the selection of words, especially for affiliates. In it, you can view the trends in traffic fluctuations over the past year and also see “hot” requests (those for which traffic will soon grow). Puse!

5. Tips from Google Search Suggest

When you enter a search query, Google gives you hints for your region. I'm sure you often didn’t write a complete phrase but simply went over them. Entering your keywords in the search form you will see these tips, and you can find there new useful keywords.

Of course, there are a lot of other services on the CIS market (I have nothing against them). But here I brought exactly those with whom I myself successfully work at the moment.

And what is used in the west?

For Europe and the United States, the main tool is also Google Keyword Hint. There the markets are so developed that this tool gives much more accurate data than in the CIS. Also, thanks to Semrush entering the Western market, many advertisers are actively using it there. Among other services the following are popular:

1. Wordtracker

One of the most popular services in the west. Allows you to find a large number of low-frequency words. Paid, has a 7-day trial version.

2. SpyFu

This service is very similar in functionality to Semrush. Actively used in affiliate and affiliate marketing.

3. Bing Ads Intelligence

Microsoft keyword matching and optimization plugin. Includes data from the Bing and MSN search engines. The tool works only in MS Office 2007, 2010 and 2013. It is free.

4. KeywordSpy

And another popular western online service. Allows you to explore the words and ads of competitors down to ROI. There is a lot of information for affiliates - the tool is more focused on them. Paid. There is a trial version.

Regarding Western services, I would say that there are no free and high-quality services. Basically all good tools are built into more comprehensive paid products. They are much more functional than the standard Google service, but you have to pay well for it. But there people understand that good is not free. We have not yet. Actually - it all depends on the goals.

4. Magic wand for best keywords

Before launching, you have a list of keywords - but these are just our assumptions. They can be both accepted and rejected by the market. The real picture you get only after you collect information based on your advertising. Many do not know about this opportunity, and lose a lot. The name of this magic wand is Search Queries Report.

Get familiar with it and actively use it. There you will find those words that you never even imagined. And, most importantly, for which there will be no competitors. You can even pay 1 cent for words, getting a small but useful traffic. Affiliate advertisers know the price of this tool - because in their business, they count every penny. Do it and you.

In this article I tried to tell you about the main stages in the selection of keywords in Google AdWords, which I successfully use. I doubt that this will change the opinion of many “businessmen” who think that searching for words is a job for a couple of hours. Each of us has our own business vision. But at the same time, I am sure that for someone the material will be a discovery and will save hundreds of dollars in the advertising budget. For these advertisers, I write my articles.

P.S. All the steps described are specific to Google AdWords search ads. For contextual targeting in CCM, completely different strategies are used.

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